Author: Admin

  • Name: Herma Renkema Nationality: Dutch MSc education: Medical Biology (Utrecht) PhD education: Biochemistry (U v Amsterdam) Postdoc education: Biochemistry (Amsterdam) HIV biology (Tampere, Finland) Mitochondrial biology (Nijmegen) Current position: Chief Scientific Officer, Khondrion DCs: Melisa Emel Ermert Social media handles: My LinkedInKhondrion’s LinkedIn   Description of my lab’s work: Khondrion’s development programme is based on…

  • Name: Eija Pirinen Nationality: Finnish MSc education: Biotechnology, University of Kuopio, Finland 1999 PhD education: Molecular Medicine, University of Kuopio, Finland 2009 Postdoc education: Johan Auwerx lab, EPFL, Switzerland 7/2010-2013 Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara lab, University of Helsinki, Finland 2014-8/2015 Current positions: Associate Professor (tenure), University of Oulu, Finland University Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland DC: Thomas…

  • Name: Evandro Fei Fang Nationality: China MSc education: Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences PhD education: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Postdoc education: National Institute on Ageing Current position: Associate Professor University of Oslo, Norway DCs: Johannes Frank, Evandro Fang Lab Social media handles: X (@TheFangGroupUiO) Description of my lab’s work: Ageing is a…

  • Name: Carles Canto Nationality: Spain MSc education: Biochemistry – University of Barcelona PhD education: Doctoral work entitled “The effect of neuregulins on glucose transport and metabolism in skeletal muscle”, under the direction of Prof. Anna Gumà (Prof. Antonio Zorzano lab)   Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Barcelona Postdoc education: My postdoctoral work…

  • Name: Santina Bruzzone Nationality: Italian MSc education: Biological Sciences, University of Genova (Italy) PhD education: Biotechnology applied to Pharmacology and Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology applied to Biomedicine, University of Milan (Italy) Postdoc education: 2001 Post-doctoral position at the Dept of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, Prof. HC Lee’s lab (Minneapolis, MN).2002-2005 Post-doctoral position at the Department…

  • Name:  Rubén Zapata-Pérez  Nationality:  Spanish  MSc education:  Biology – Molecular Biology, University of Murcia, Spain  PhD education:  Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Murcia, Spain Postdoc education:  Cell biology – Metabolism, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands Current position:  Assistant Professor  Social media handles:  X (@RZapataPerez), LinkedIn  Description of my lab’s work: Our research group is focused…

  • Name:  Riekelt Houtkooper  Nationality:  Dutch  MSc education:  Biomedical Sciences, University of Amsterdam  PhD education:  Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases, University of Amsterdam  Postdoc education:  Laboratory for Integrative and Systems Physiology; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne  Current position:  Professor of Translational Metabolism, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam  DCs:  Maria Tretowicz, Kasper Vinten, Melisa Ermert  Social…

  • DC10

    Name:  Laurine van Gijn  Nationality:  Dutch  MSc education:  Cancer, Stem Cells & Developmental Biology Current position:  PhD Candidate Supervisors:  Carles Canto & Bart Deplancke  Description of the project: Adipose stem and progenitor cells (ASPCs) play an important role in the expansion of adipose tissue during obesity via hyperplasia. Recently, we discovered a distinct murine ASPC…

  • DC9

    Name:  Qi Zhang  Nationality:  Chinese  MSc education:  Traditional Chinese Medicine  Current position:  PhD Candidate  Supervisors:  Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Riekelt Houtkooper  Description of the project: Recently, reduced NAD precursors such as dihydronicotinamide riboside has been shown to increase NAD levels to a higher extend than non-reduced precursors. The purpose of my project is to explore how reduced precursors…

  • DC8

    Name:  Melisa Emel Ermert  Nationality:  Turkish  MSc education:  Molecular Biology of the Cell Current position:  PhD Candidate Supervisors:  Prof. Dr. Riekelt Houtkooper, Dr. Herma Renkema, Prof. Dr. Eija Pirinen   Social media handles:  LinkedIn Description of the project:  Within the scope of my research project, the therapeutic role of NAD+ precursors and Khondrion’s compounds, particularly focusing…