Name:Evandro Fei Fang
MSc education:Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences
PhD education:The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Postdoc education:National Institute on Ageing
Current position:Associate Professor University of Oslo, Norway
DCs:Johannes Frank, Evandro Fang Lab
Social media handles:X (@TheFangGroupUiO)
Description of my lab’s work:Ageing is a fundamental contributor to a variety of human pathologies, such as frailty, cancer, and many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. The Evandro Fang Lab is located in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo and its affiliated Akershus University Hospital. We are fascinated with exploring the basic molecular mechanisms of human ageing and age-related diseases, with the final goal being the development of interventional strategies to improve people’s lifespan and healthspan. Follow up the latest news and our ageing researchers through 
Our Twitter (@TheFangGroupUiO), No-Age twitter (@NoAge100), and No-Age Center network.
Top 3 publications:  
Favorite way to keep NAD levels high:Exercise and taking supplement



